Incredulous as it may seem, in less than 40 years, the people inhabiting the earth will be 9 billion as opposed to 6.8 billion, now. Almost unbelievable, I know, but nonetheless, true, according to the latest statistics. We have, no doubt, arrived at a monumental period in history when the survivability of the inhabitants, including the planet itself, are facing economic, ecological, bio-spherical, and deprecating social well-being conditions involving billions of people who are in danger.
In a world dominated by self-interest, greed, corporation profit gluttony, and blatant insensitivity for the greater good of humanity, along with the pilfering/plundering of the earth, free market capitalism has taken a severely self-destructive turn toward annihilation.
We simply must address the hazardous conditions and plummeting ramifications of the deplorable 'fall out' resulting from short-term thinking and single-minded pursuit of profit in order to destabilize the cancerous tumor threatening our current planetary economic system which otherwise would have the capability to benefit everyone. No one can sit back disinterested and uninvolved when the devastating hazard of 'grievous self-gain' looms large enough to destroy us all.
The urgent call does not only implore us to invoke innovative ways to help the poor of the developing world, but embraces consumers, corporations, nonprofits and governments to respond to a crumbling global society. In other words, "We are in need of a physician to universally heal us, all."
Dare I mention the devastating impact of a forgotten society "children of the incarcerated", whose fate will continue to be hurled into the ranks of deplorable abysmal conditions, on the streets, while being referred to, inhumanely, as "prison spawn"? Have they even gotten as much as an eye brow wink of concern and attention from us? I think not.
What is the obvious answer that can and will make the defining difference, globally? Social Media; hands down! Using the exponential power of the internet through the use of social media networks, we can and will turn the tide of humanity's imperiled catastrophe. Who among us will disagree that by participating in local, national and global meaningful dialogues 'of the impending need to invoke strategic planetary methods' to implement real change will be counterproductive?
Now is the hour to make incremental progress toward enveloping a better world's society for everyone, which will, in effect, begin by reshaping and redefining capitalism?
No argument can be shoveled into our minds against the intrinsic role that social media plays to inspire, motivate, encourage, inform, educate and connect people. From all walks of life, through the spreading of massive ideas, which can and do coordinate popular actions to evoke social transformation, social media will continue to make the distinctive surge of necessary ratification.
The entire globe is in dire need of a world's productively generated maintainable progress and holistic prosperity. No longer, will the spoiled antics governed, garnered and/or glossed over profits for the small elite at the beleaguered expense of the overall planetary society's welfare suffice.
Though inverted capitalism can work, the malfunctioning of its systemic flaws range from fostering the worst greed, gluttony and selfishness human nature has ever aspired to, coupled with casting aside the middle pillar of society whose substantial participation and influence would eagerly and willingly sacrifice pure personal gains for something of worthwhile measure and sustainable progress.
Horrendous as the figures are: poverty in the United States alone has reached unparalleled levels. 44 Million Americans live below the poverty level; that's roughly 1 in 7 people! Devastatingly mind-boggling!
We are all in this thing called 'life' together and when we measure our existence with the imploding degradation of facts (which implore us to respond) knowing that 1.4 billion people on the planet live on less than $1.25 a day, what else can we do but get involved? Need I bring in the statistics of the 800 million people in the world who are illiterate? Achieving universal primary education is as necessary for our survival as a species, as is breathing!
It goes beyond our moral duty to step in and do something to improve conditions for everyone. The first step is: awareness! Social Media provides people with fresh power to push back against the tyranny of those who would so easily beset us.
MODE of Cosmic Therapy, with its evolutionary altruistic goals and visionary, platform, premise, "Inspiring humanity cosmically and broadening the recognition of global interconnectivity" instills the spirit of universal brotherhood among all, and through the propensity of creating, sharing, prosperity, wealth, wisdom, we are better able to envelop/embrace/ accept/support human beings.
We realize that mortals are generally selfish; needing and wanting something meaningfully valuable to believe in and dedicate themselves to before they commit. In other words, we are all self-vested from this material plane of existence; carrying the 'what's in it for me attitude'.
By discovering the "cosmic point of source contact" in all and working to radiate individual talents, gifts, abilities and potential, as the contributory factor in the globally galactic puzzle, we can and will move into the penetrative consciousness which is saturating the globe.
Needless to say, WE can identify with the concept that we are Masters of Divine Essence who have simply forgotten our heritage. Now is the time, to make our voices heard; from every corner of the earth through the powerful air ways of Social Media.
Connecting to the 'Raising of global consciousness' will implement such a worthy galactic vision of incalculable merit. By caring for the people, insisting upon quality holistically based education, increasing their cosmic awareness and consciousness, motivating and inspiring them to believe in something grander than themselves, everyone benefits.
When people can recognize their own unique purpose and impetus of meaning, by volunteering 'to give back' what they have and who they are, the world temperature and universal depth changes for the better.
MODE of Cosmic Therapy Interactive Social Media Platform offers a viable, workable, foundation by instilling a like-minded social spirit of global camaraderie enabling the innate human drive to create a sustainable and socially responsible planet.
If we but begin to question the dismal consequences of unbounded economic self-vested development and its potential deleterious impact on the Earth's natural resources, we must first raise our consciousness to see that PEOPLE are our most cherished natural resource. If we want to envelop and alter what are truly unsustainable conditions for the planet, we must incorporate the incomparable need for mutual benefit. We must instill a grand purpose which unites one and all, favorably.
Awareness is needed to reconcile the 'out of bounds'; greediness which threatens to usurp our planet. MODE of Cosmic Therapy works hand in hand to establish and maintain a veritably vital way of giving hope and reigniting a belief in the goodness of mankind.
Committed to activities which foster and support sustainable economic conditions, the long range vision of MODE of Cosmic Therapy does not negate the global responsibility of the environment, ethics, morals and social accountability but extends its hand to build a worthy platform of demonstrable, valuable differences for all of the endearing, interested, contributory global citizens of the earth.
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